Friday, December 4, 2009

Idea of the book Mortal engines

This book is based on towns eating each other and that means big towns taking over small towns. This was a long time ago it also tells you a story about it. This story is about a boy and a girl seeking to go to London and killing someone called Mr. Valentine. It also tells you how her parents died from the evil Mr. Valentine. Her parents died because Valentine wanted some old tech that her parents found and they refused to give it to him. So the children set of to London but the only thing stopping them is that they have nothing to travel with. So they meet someone who is a mayor of a small town he was called Mr. Wreyland. He told them he could sell them as slaves. He also told them they could be sold to a kind person who could take them to London. They meet another woman that offered them to fly to London but Wreyland doesn't give up so easily and sent his men to get back the kids. But they fight the men and beat them so the men go away. The two kids go with the woman on her airship that is going to London and they set off and go their but the story doesn't end happily when the boy and the girl don't see each other again.

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